St. Joe Students Say Goodbye to Summer and Hello to a New School Year
St. Joe students participating in a science camp lab
September 1, 2022
On August 16 St. Joe welcomed back returning students and the Class of 2026. While this next year of school is exciting, we can’t forget the fun the students had over the break. College visits, being with friends, and vacations occupied most of their time, but St. Joe also offered a variety of ways to get involved this past summer.
Since many of the students are involved in sports, the Academy fittingly offers summer sporting activities and camps. These camps invite students to St. Joe and allow our new Angels to meet other members of their class before the start of the year. Every sport offers at least one opportunity to be involved during the summer.
Freshman Lily Kaller enjoyed her summer taking part in St. Joe summer sports camps.
“I went to the Lacrosse and Field hockey camps over the summer, I met lots of new people from my freshman class and was able to make new friends,” Lily said.
Many other freshmen describe the academic, athletic, and community events to be beneficial for making new friends and starting their four years off strong at St. Joe.
As an upperclassman, one thing you can do during the summer is start or continue to visit colleges. Students took the opportunity of their family traveling or the school Europe trip to visit colleges around the country and the world. Seniors also began finalizing their college decisions and starting the early application process.
It’s never too late to deepen your academic involvement around St. Louis. The Academies administration and staff is eager to help students become involved in internship programs, job opportunities, and camps. St. Joe holds science camps throughout the summer such as Biology and Chemistry camp. Some clubs send out volunteer opportunities, and some classes go on summer service trips or immersion programs.

The Academy goes on a trip to Europe every summer, the students enjoy immersing themselves in the culture of other countries as well as seeing various landmarks. This past summer a group also went to Italy and Greece.
Junior Abby Buganski enjoyed her summer St. Joe trip and bonding with her friends,
“I loved the Italy and Greece trip, I will never forget waking up at 4 am with my roomates in Rome and getting ready 5 hours earlier then we needed to be,” Abby said.
St. Joe has many opportunities to be involved in your school community and your city throughout the summer. This next summer The Academy is hosting its Europe trip to France and Spain, as well as a separate academic trip to Ireland to study Irish Literature.