On Monday, September 11th, 45 St. Joseph’s Academy students were inducted into the National Honor Society.
The ceremony was led by NHS moderators, Mrs. Donna Videmschek, Director of Counseling, and Mrs. Cathy Zitko, Learning Consultant. Students completed their initiation by lighting a candle, receiving a certificate of acceptance, and reciting the National Honor Society pledge. A long-standing tradition at St. Joe, the ceremony experienced some changes from past years. Instead of receiving NHS medals that they then wear at graduation, this year, students were invited to light a candle alongside their fellow inductees to represent their commitment to the National Honor Society. Throughout the ceremony, four large candles labeled scholarship, character, leadership, and service, remained lit on the stage to remind the inductees of the four pillars of the National Honor Society that they would be striving to live out following their induction. Junior Kate Hulsen, an NHS officer, recalls planning the ceremony.
“As officers, we decided to have a candle-lighting ceremony to induct each student into their new role. Each member got their moment on stage and pledged to work hard serving others throughout the rest of the year,” Kate said.

Senior members of NHS who joined the society during their junior year were also present at the ceremony to support the club’s newest members. During the ceremony, previous members sat opposite the inductees. After each student lit their candle and received their certificate from Dr. Jennifer Sudekum, Principal of Academic Affairs, they joined the senior NHS members on the other side of the theater. Together, all members of NHS, old and new, recited the NHS pledge. In the pledge, students vowed to dedicate themselves to living out the four pillars of the National Honor Society: scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Junior Sarah Schoemehl enjoyed experiencing the ceremony for the first time.
“The induction ceremony made me excited for my future in NHS,” Sarah said.
Following the ceremony, students were invited to take pictures with their friends and family on stage. They received the candle they had lit during the ceremony as a keepsake to remember the day. On their way out the door, new members received an NHS cookie to celebrate their impressive achievement.