New Year, New Goals, Same Students


A balloon notes the start of a new year while surrounded by a New Year’s Eve mess!

Emily Rines

Every January, millions of people make resolutions to keep throughout the new year.  However, it is doubtful that one will finish the year successfully, especially since only 9 percent of people keep their resolutions, and one in four people quit within the first week of January.  These statistics from a 2017 survey from Society for Personality and Social Psychology make becoming a better person less appealing and achievable, but with ample motivation, it is certainly worth trying.

Becoming a better person is not easy, but with time, anyone can work toward being one, and every new year provides a clean slate for everyone to achieve it.  When the clock ticks over to midnight on New Year’s Day, the goal-setting begins.

Many students at St. Joe have taken this initiative.  From focusing on school work to quitting picking nails, students at St. Joe have a diverse set of things they want to accomplish.  While these things take time, starting with setting a goal is a big step in reaching a brighter future.

Sophomore Maddy Schlautman took this big step in manifesting a better year.  

“My New Year’s resolution is to put myself out there more and not to care what people think of me,” Maddy said.

Maddy is focusing more on her friendships this year, but many other students are choosing to center around their health, sports, school, and other aspects of their lives.  In fact, a survey shows that most students at St. Joe are focusing more on their health by eating less junk food.

Many students are choosing to focus on their future this year, whether it be through studying more, looking at colleges, or applying for a new job. 

Freshman Izzy Stadnyk is working toward getting a new job.  

Fireworks light up the sky as the new year begins. (Roven Images)

“I really want to get a job as a lifeguard!” Izzy said.

Looking toward the future is a big part of New Year’s resolutions.  Everyone wants to be happy, and these New Year’s resolutions help people reach them.  One way to help manifest a better life is through visually prepping for the new year.  Students at St. Joe have prepared through journaling, writing down their goals for the new year, creating a vision board, organizing their space, and more.

Another considerable part of New Year’s resolutions is vowing to quit an aspect of one’s life to make room for new, valuable additions.  Students can discover what is holding them back through journaling, meditation, prayer, and more.  Some may find out that things like being on social media too much, eating junk food, being mean to family members or friends, or slacking off on schoolwork are taking a toll on their mental and physical well-being.  However, by trying to cut out these bad habits, more healthy, happy things will come.

While New Year’s resolutions get a bad reputation for being short-lived, taking just a few minutes a day to work on something in your life can be very beneficial, even if it is just cleaning your room for fifteen minutes.  The first step to achieving a better life is finding out what you need to alter, and New Year’s resolutions are a great way to start the process.  It won’t be easy or automatic, but it will be worth it in the end.