St. Joe Learns to Let Go for Lent



St. Joe students receive ashes on Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent.

Sydney Moore, Senior Staff Writer

For any Christian, Lent is extremely important, as it is a time during which we celebrate the numerous sacrifices that Jesus made for us. Beginning with Ash Wednesday, Lent is a period of 40 days that precedes Easter, and it symbolizes the time that Jesus spent fasting in the desert prior to the beginning of his ministry. According to Christian teaching, during these 40 days in the desert, Jesus was ambushed by temptation and sin. However, he suffered all of this in order to one day save mankind. As a way of truly appreciating everything that Jesus has done, Christians make small promises and sacrifices of their own.

Freshman Izzy Stadnyk enjoys the Lenten season because it allows her to spend more time with her family. This Lent, Izzy decided to add variety to her diet by introducing more fish.

“I’ve had so many bad experiences with it, so I’m going to try it,” Izzy said. “It’s been going good. So far, every Friday, I’ve tried a new fish that I’ve never tried before. I’ve liked some of it; some of it was kind of iffy.”

Some other common Lenten promises can include the sacrifice of candy, soda, or social media. One could also implement new practices such as daily prayers/meditations, a daily journaling session, or a new fitness routine. 

In addition to personal Lenten promises that have been made, members of the St. Joe community have adopted a promise to be daily ambassadors for Christ. By simply doing at least one nice thing a day, such as holding the door open or giving somebody a compliment, a person can grow in their faith and possibly make a new friend along the way. Many students have now been finding ways to intentionally show kindness to others.

Sophomore Juliana Crocker has been using comedy to be of service to others.

“I try to make a lot of jokes; they’re not always funny, but I feel like trying to bring someone’s mood up is always the way to go,” Juliana said.

Junior, Abby Dickson, participating in the “Finding Fontbonne” tradition at St. Joe.

While Lent is an excellent way to better oneself by making small sacrifices and implementing new daily practices, it represents much more than that. It symbolizes the 40 days of suffering that Jesus endured before he began his ministry. It is an extremely important time for Christians during which they reflect upon their own lives and find ways to honor their faith. Although it may be difficult, these sacrifices are important, and they give us a miniscule taste of the pain that Jesus felt.

During Lent, the students and faculty members can grow in their love and appreciation for Jesus. The promises that have been made this Lent, big and small, are all wonderful examples of the Christ-like love that this community shares with one another.