St. Joe Students Celebrating Spring Break
(From left to right) Juniors Annie Malloy and Karina Weiss smile during sunset on Rosemary Beach, Florida.
March 7, 2023
Spring Break is one of the most exciting weeks for schools across the world. It gives students and teachers time to forget about the stress of school work and instead, get a glimpse into summer. For St. Joe, the week from March 11 to March 19 was their designated spring break, and every student took advantage of these days.
Since St. Louis can often remain cold during March, many plan trips south to soak in the sun by the ocean. The popular destination, Mexico, often houses these vacationers because of its close proximity to the U.S. but extremely hot weather. Sophomore Reagan Weber traveled to Mexico for that exact reason.
“I loved the feeling of the sun on my skin, and it was even better when I got to jump in the beautiful ocean whenever I felt overheated. Since I got to spend it with my sister who is a senior at St. Joe and leaves for college soon, it was the perfect opportunity to bond with her before she moves hours away from me,” Reagan said.

Schedules can turn extremely busy and stressful for many families during the springtime. With exams and dances approaching, many forget to appreciate time with their family. It is not necessary to leave the country to do this either, and driving a couple hours can create the same experience. Sophomore Maria Clever agreed as she spent this week with her family in Hilton Head, South Carolina.
“I loved simply forgetting about all of my responsibilities at home and focusing on relaxing with my family. Not only was Hilton Head gorgeous to look at, laughing with my family every night created such an enjoyable time,” Maria said.
Some left their family though and vacationed with their friends for the week. It can be hard to find time, even on the weekends, to spend time with friends since many have extracurriculars and sports that envelop this time. For these busy individuals, they invited close friends with them for this one week when their schedule is not full. Naples, Florida was the destination for this trip for Sophomore Caroline Joyce.
“Since I am playing Lacrosse, and I dance during the spring, I will not be able to hang out with one of my best friends, so I took her down to Florida with me. I love talking with her and there was never a bad moment with her during the entire week. It was simply one of my favorite spring breaks I have ever had!” Caroline said.
Rosemary Beach, Florida is a packed place for many students all over St. Louis. Junior Annie Malloy drove down with her friends and met with other friends while in the area throughout the week. She also recognized the importance of college coming up, so she took a few days to visit one of her prospective colleges as well.
“I love meeting people from different schools, and it was so fun to get to spend time with so many of my different friends all in one place. I have been there in past years, and I always leave with the best memories. I then took an amazing tour of a school and realized how much I really love the place, so it was an extremely successful week for me,” Annie said.

Staying home is always a great option as well for spring break as well, and it provides a great time to catch up on sleep and relax in the comfort of their home. Sophomore Caroline Chier enjoyed a lazy week but still enjoyed local activities in St. Louis.
“Although I felt a little bored sometime throughout the week, it was a calming time. I also attended a great St. Louis City soccer game that they won, so I still had so much fun,” Caroline said.
Students visited a variety of place around the world during this week away from the classroom. From weeks filled with vigorous activities or staying home with family watching movies, it was a successful week for everyone. No matter what they chose to fill their time with, each person enjoyed this time of renewal before the stressful time before the end of the year.