Casually Carrying on to Kairos


Kairos #61 cross.

Lucy Broun, Senior Staff Writer

At SJA, Kairos is an experience shared by every senior and some juniors. The culmination of the yearly retreats, Kairos is a three day and two night fully immersive retreat at Pallotine Renewal Center. There are three opprotunitues for students to participate in Kairos, one in the fall, winter, and spring of each year. While the details and nitty gritty of Kairos are generally kept quiet, one aspect of the retreat that is obvious is that students are sequestered at the retreat center, and therefore have to pack bags with everything they may need. 

Since the details of Kairos are kept confidential, many students have questions and wonder about what all they should bring to the retreat center. According to many students who have participated in Kairos, the most important thing to pack for the retreat is snacks. Students are encouraged to bring individually packaged snacks to share with everyone on the retreat. These range from fruit snacks to chips, even to cookies. 

When it comes to clothes, students recommend bringing comfortable, SJA-worthy clothes, often sweatpants and sweatshirts. Junior Katie Stuckel has a simple list of what’s important to have. 

“Bring your own pillow, candy, and oversized hoodies,” Katie said. 

Another highly recommended item for the Kairos packing list is a personal waterbottle. Junior Abby Dickson had many recommendations after her time on Kairos #61. 

Lucy Kelley ’23 and her small group on their last day of Kairos. (Unknown)

“The best things to take on Kairos are comfy clothes, lots of snacks, a water bottle, and energy drinks in case you get tired,” junior Abby Dickson said. 

Kairos is a multiday religious exploration that requires preparation from students and faculty. Junior Cate Guenther has advice for the best ways to prepare as a retreatant. 

“I would really recommend bringing a blanket and pillow, you never know when you will be cold, but also don’t forget snacks, they are always great to have,” Cate said. 

Packing for Kairos can be a stressfree and simple process. The essentials are simple; comfy clothes, a water bottle, and plenty of snacks to share.