Peanuts’ no-show this Halloween makes viewers say “Good Grief!”
January 12, 2021
Charlie Brown and the classic Peanuts characters will not be on any television network this Halloween. The announcement was made October 22, and fans of the hit show are outraged. The show has had success since the 1960s, including a 2015 movie, and has broadcasted some of their most famous episodes such as: A Charlie Brown Christmas, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown annually. Each episode teaches moral lessons and celebrates whatever holiday is near. The show has aired on several networks for years and children all over the world sit and watch their favorite characters act around and constantly wipe out when attempting to kick a football.
Along with not appearing on any networks, the announcement added that the show will be aired only to Apple TV subscribers. This causes a series of problems for people who do not own Apple TV nor afford it.
When the news came out that Charlie Brown is no longer going on air on network television, people began to wonder how they will be able to watch their family-friendly show.
English teacher Ms. Amy Summers grew up watching Charlie Brown episodes with her siblings..
“ I used to tell my brother stories at night about him getting the rock (instead of candy). A couple years ago, I bought him a t-shirt that said ‘I had a rock.” I am really sad that my nieces and nephews and other little kids aren’t going to be able to watch it on TV this year.”
Ms. Summers is not the only person who is upset about the news. Senior Sophie Gloriod was also upset when the news of Charlie Brown became public.
“ My family and I watched them every year. They [Charlie Brown Movies] are a stable part of our holidays,” Sophie said. “Without them, it won’t be the same.”
Although the holidays may not be the same without the Charlie Brown movies, the people they touched while they were live will never forget them.