Teaching Others about St. Louis and its traditions
Annie and Tori visit the arch.
March 28, 2023
This weekend my sister Annie, a St. Joseph’s Academy alumna of 2018, had a friend from undergraduate school come visit her in St. Louis. Annie asked this friends what she wanted to do while she was in town.
“I just want to experience everything STL,” the friend said.
Since she was in town for just three days, it was difficult for us to think about how to spend the next 72 hours. We thought about the Arch, the Foundry, the Loop, the Grove, and many other cool and eclectic places. There was just so much that makes this city so special and different from other cities.
We ended up going to the Ferris Wheel, Arch, and aquarium. We spent time downtown, showing her our amazing city. While we were in the downtown area, we also took her to some restaurants to experience toasted ravioli and pizza with the St. Louis famous Provel cheese. Lastly, we showed her some special places in the suburbs, just outside the city.
But of course, possibly the most important parts of the three days were desserts each night. Her first night in town, we took her to Ted Drews. Then, on her second night in St. Louis, I made homemade gooey butter cake. This is one of my favorite deserts and I was shocked that she had never had it before. But, since it is a St. Louis tradition and she had never been here before, she was delighted to try it.
It is weird to think about all of the traditions that St. Louis holds, and how a majority of them have stayed strictly in the St. Louis area. I love my city and it was so fun sharing it with my sister’s friend.