Fostering Faculty Fellowship
Faculty members listen to a speaker at the Motherhouse
January 23, 2023
One day every year, the St. Joe faculty and staff go on a retreat. This year the faculty retreat took place on Friday, January 13. The faculty spent the day at the CSJ Motherhouse, while the student body had the day off prior to Martin Luther King, jr Day. Throughout the day the faculty participated in Tai Chi, small group discussions, a sound bowl meditation, and a prayer service.
The day began at the Motherhouse around 9:00. The retreatants were split into two groups. One group went with Sr. Rita and participated in Tai Chi, while the other held small group discussions. Certain faculty members were asked to lead discussions from a list of topics. Following these activities, the groups then switched, so those that had done Tai Chi could participate in discussions and vice versa.
The teachers and staff then took a break for lunch where they ate in the cafeteria at the CSJ Motherhouse.. Next on the agenda, the faculty participated in a sound bowl mediation. Finally, the day concluded with a prayer service in the Motherhouse chapel.
Many participants found the day to be a great experience, and a very successful retreat, including computer science and fine arts teacher, Mr. Ryan Paluczak.
“Overall the day was energizing because there were really intentional activities that helped w being present and being aware. Our group discussions were honest, and really helped in connecting with our colleagues the sound bath meditation was a great centering experience and I left the retreat feeling connected and rested,” Mr. Paluczak said.
Similarly, English teacher Ms. Daniella Moshi found it to be “a great day to pause and laugh with colleagues.”

“ We got to talk about why we’re teachers and how much fun it is to work with people who work in a school, and, this is up for debate, but I always thought a reason I was attracted to being a teacher was that the people who work in a school are just a different kind of people; they’re compassionate and just have a love for helping others, so it was nice to be with like-minded people,” Ms. Moshi said.
The faculty retreat this year was extraordinarily successful, and many are looking forward to the next one.