Celebrating Advent at the Academy
St Joe’s elf, Karen, holds a microphone.
December 8, 2022
The liturgical calendar has officially switched from ordinary time to Advent marking a new year in the Church. St. Joe has organized many activities to celebrate this. There are both daily and weekly opportunities that the school community can be involved in during the school day and potentially win prizes.
Campus Ministry hosts religious opportunities to reflect on faith during this season in the Church. They have hosted several service opportunities to help those around us who are less fortunate and earn service hours.
In honor of the first week of Advent, campus ministry also has the permission to light the candles on the Advent wreath during community time. It is then followed by a prayer to keep everyone close to God.
The theology classes on the Carondolet wing made sure to fill this time with prayers, so every theology class had the opportunity to go to adoration in the chapel. Multiple priests were accessible to celebrate the aScrament of Reconciliation.
Izzie Patritti enjoyed this time to have quiet time dedicated to praying to God.
“I feel really stressed and caught up in the rush of exams and the holidays at this time. I was really thankful that I got to simply relax and reflect on my life this year. I don’t get much time to talk to God with my busy schedule, so it was a very appreciated time for my class and I,” Patritti said.
Stuco has also created challenges to appreciate this holiday season. This year, they bought an elf and hid it around the school. The goal was to find this hidden treasure to receive a prize. Many people have been competitive and quickly found it.
There are also various days to dress out in comfortable clothes. Students decked out in Christmas sweaters, red and green clothes, pink and purple Advent shirts, and pajamas. In order to not wear uniforms, students have to pay a couple of dollars which is then donated to the St. Patrick’s Center.

Freshman Jaiden Beckman enjoyed dressing out of uniform.
“I take advantage of any opportunity to not wear my uniform skirt or shirt at school, especially when I get to wear Christmas colors. I think it’s fun to see everyone’s holiday spirit, and I also love that I am donating to a good cause,” Beckman said.
One of the most anticipated events at St. Joe during the Advent season is Chrismix. The mixer is located in the gym for the first time in three years with every grade present, and it is filled with Christmas decorations. Students can invite a date and enjoy this event with friends from other schools as well. The students also have the opportunity to buy a shirt at school that they can wear. Every student enjoys this fun and casual time to just dance!
Overall, many clubs and organizations at St. Joe have made sure to create an enjoyable environment at school to celebrate the holidays even during the stressful time at the end of the first semester.