Building a new sub: Club Sandwich since Stein
Mr. Bud Stein symbolically hands Mr. Westlake a sandwich to commemorate passing the leadership of Club Sandwich
December 12, 2022
St. Joe is home to more than 50 student organizations ranging from Pop Culture Club to National Honors Society, but only one club in which every student is a member. Club Sandwich has been an iconic club at St. Joe for many years. Each month every student has the opportunity to get a sandwich, drink, cookie, and bag of chips one day for lunch.
Longtime geometry and engineering teacher, Mr. Bud Stein, who retired last year was the moderator for this club for many years. While he was in charge, students would pay $5 cash each month to sign up on a list in his room to participate in that month’s Club Sandwich. Since his retirement, the mantle of Club Sandwich moderator has passed to Mr. Brandon Westlake, social studies teacher.
Mr. Westlake has been very happy with the transition of this quintessential club.
“The transition has been a monumental life experience, I feel like I’ve become more in tune with my deli meats and with my white bread, and I’m noticing more the ways in which tomatoes are sliced on sandwiches, some thinner and some thicker, and the way that affects the taste,” Mr. Westlake joked.
One of the major changes to the club since Mr. Westlake has taken over is that the ordering each month, while now costing the students $6, is done completely online and through FACTS accounts rather than cash. Junior and Club Sandwich officer Melanie Beers appreciates how the transition has gone.
“No one can replace Mr. Stein, but Mr. Westlake has done an amazing job taking over Club Sandwich and really has expanded it even more by making a Google Form for people to fill out,” Melanie said.
Mr. Westlake is incredibly proud of the transition from Mr. Stein’s leadership to his own.
“It was a seamless transition, I think the best way to describe it is as the bread comes out of the oven warm, he made the slice that would cut it down the middle, and I made the slice to cut it in two,” Mr. Westlake said.
In addition to the final Club Sandwich meeting of the semester on December 15, Mr. Weslake is working on Club Sandwich T-shirts for this year, and hopes maybe one day to produce “bread berets” for the club.
The monumental transition of the leadership of this flagship club from Mr. Stein to Mr. Westlake has been smooth, and St. Joe is excited to continue enjoying Club Sandwich under its new moderator.