Course Recommendations for a Rocking Senior Year

SJA Social Media, Marketing Coordinator

Senior hand bell class performing in the Winter Concert

Maggie Mays, Senior Staff Writer

As the end of this year rolls around, chatter about classes for the upcoming school year begins. While this can be exciting to think about, it is important to fully think through which classes to request, especially for students’ last year at the academy. Factors for juniors to consider when filling out course requests for their senior year include the colleges that they want to attend, what their interests are, what they are considering majoring in, what classes they enjoy and are passionate about, how much of a workload they can handle, etc..

The most common responses amongst seniors about class recommendations included:


ACP Psychology

ACP Sociology

Holocost Literature



Honors Modern US History

Challenge of Discipleship



Writing and Research


Death and Dying

Literature of Controversy


Senior Megan Nguyen has taken a unique dynamique of classes throughout her time at St. Joe. While she has enjoyed most of them, there are a few in particular she has taken during her senior year that stuck out to her.

“I definitely recommend taking Honors Modern US History, handbells, ACP Psych, Womens and Gender Studies, and Human Rights! They’re super engaging and a nice variety of people,” Megan said.

Handbells seems to be a popular recommendation amongst the class of 2022. Senior Margaret Sommers recommends the junior class to request it as well.

“When I was initially registering for classes, I almost filled my schedule with mostly challenging classes, but I decided that for senior year, I would change it up and take some classes that are different from what I’m used to- like handbells. It’s fun because I’m with people that I have never taken classes with before. I also like knowing the basics of reading music notes in case I want to learn another instrument in the future,” Margaret said. 

The overall consensus of class courses from the seniors seems to be to request both challenging courses and unique, laid back classes with a lighter load to create a balanced class load for the last year at the academy.