The Voice Book Club – What Our Editors Read Over Break
During the break, many editors of our newspaper sat down to read some interesting novels.
January 9, 2022
Post finals season, the editors of The Voice are harrowing, still, in their academic interests. Over the holiday break, they found themselves completing reading assignments in preparation for the next semester, or, in many cases, reading for pleasure. However, when choosing a book for independent reading or to fill your free time, a wide selection of books can be rather overwhelming. Thus, some of our Editors have provided feedback on their favorite novels, and compiled them as follows:
1. The Joy Luck Club
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan is, more than anything, a quick, and enticing read. It details the story of several women who have immigrated to the United States from China, and each of their stories of success and tragedy. Upon arriving in San Francisco, the women create a club to play mahjong, share food, and experience their culture.
Novel recommended by Mary Dill, Editor in Chief.
2. Emma
Emma by Jane Austen is a classic coming of age story. It combines romantic drama and feminism with its heroine. Emma, a self-proclaimed match-maker, explores the dramas of youth, friendship, and relationships as she grows through her adolescence.
“Emma has been my comfort book since I read it during my freshman year,” senior Lizzie Balestreri said. “I think it’s the closest thing I’ve seen to a TV drama on paper.”
Novel recommended by Lizzie Balestreri, Print Managerial Editor.
3. A Man of the People
A Man of the People by Chinua Achebe is definitely a novel for the global reader. This novel details the injustices of the Nigerian civil war, and the corruption of politics there. Achebe, in his writing, clearly depicts the violence and turbulence of the period, in addition to presenting a social commentary on the inadequate, corrupt leadership in the Nigerian government. Achebe, as a diplomat, had a unique perspective on current events and showed great prophetic influence on Nigerian politics during, and after publishing A Man of the People in 1964.
Novel recommended by Grace Kelly, Print Layout Editor.
4. In Cold Blood
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote is the detailing the murder of the Clutter Family in Holcomb, Kansas. If you’ve braved the likes of True Crime documentaries and podcasts, then this novel is a particularly good find. It details the lives, escape, and imprisonment of the killers Richard Hickock, and Perry Smith.
“It’s chilling, really. I don’t think there’s any other way to describe it. Truman Capote’s writing makes this novel bearable, as it is particularly gory. But, it’s one of the best crime novels I’ve ever read.”
Novel recommended by Olivia Hattrich, Senior Staff Writer.
5. Mrs. Dalloway
Mrs. Dalloway is Virginia Woolfe’s debut novel and the first of many successes. The novel details the likes of social life in British society and the various responsibilities that come with it. Virginia Woolfe writes in a stream of consciousness style and explores the hysterics of mental health, life for women, and relationships in high-class society.
Novel recommended by Ava Perreand, Art Editor.
During the Christmas and holiday season, it’s important to relax, breathe and take care of oneself. Reading can be a phenomenal way to exercise the brain and get back into the swing of academics, post break.