Enjoying Halloween Festivities
Pumpkin carved by junior, Katie Wilke, while preparing for Halloween.
December 8, 2020
Halloween is a favorite among the holidays for many at St. Joe. However, due to social distancing guidelines, the spooky activities that normally occur on Halloween look slightly different this year. Participating in fun activities such as visiting a pumpkin patch, watching scary movies, trick or treating, and dressing up are still possibilities. Throughout the past couple weeks, angels at St. Joe have enjoyed several Halloween-related events.
Juniors, such as Lauren Dolan and Grace Maloney, spent time with their friends as they participated in fun fall activities in preparation for Halloween.
“My favorite part about Halloween is carving pumpkins. I like being creative and spending time with my friends,” Lauren said.
Grace likes to spend time with her friends during this holiday as well, but she also mentions that she enjoys her time staying home with her family.
“Eating candy is probably my favorite part. I also like being home because I can pass out candy to little kids and see all the different costumes,” she explained.
Not only is Halloween an all-time favorite holiday, some Angels, like junior Olivia O’Malley, have a great emotional connection to the holiday and the happiness it brings them.
“I love the costumes because everyone dresses up and lets their guards down. Instead of blending in with everyone else, you get to be creative and become something you connect with,” Olivia said.
Sometimes a break from reality is exactly what we need in these uneasy times. Halloween gives us the opportunity to break away from our normal routine and enter a world filled with imagination.
Junior Kelly Dean shares her own appreciation for the creativity of others during this holiday season.
“Halloween is my favorite holiday! I get to see all the unique costumes and it makes me so happy when I see all the different ways people dress up and interpret a specific costume,” she expressed.
It is important that we embrace our differences and use this holiday to step out of our comfort zone and display our inner imagination.
All of the activities that are mentioned by these angels are activities that can be done safely. Social distancing can be an easy adjustment to your environment while you enjoy the time you have with your friends, family, or any other group of people. Wearing a mask is another adjustment that can make all the difference. Always remember that celebrations and gatherings, especially as the holiday season emerges, can still be as enjoyable as they were before the pandemic, even with some adjustments.