Sophomores masquerade at first school dance

(Left to right) Sophomores Delaney Schieber, Shannon Sims, Rachel Martin, Mallory Kimes, Claudia Chipley, and Meghan Bostwick having a great time in the photo booth!

Allison Leahy, Photo Editor

The sophomore class officers worked extremely hard planning the Class of 2020’s first formal dance which was held in St. Joe’s gym on February 2.. They transformed the gym under the theme of Masquerade!

Sophomore class president Olivia Stapf said the class officers the hard work paid off.

Stapf’s  favorite part of planning the dance was “revealing the mask theme and being able to decorate accordingly.”

Ainsley Hurford, sophomore vice president, enjoyed working “alongside the best four class officers ever!”

“Everything worked perfectly and I had a wonderful night of dancing with all my beautiful and sweet classmates,” she said.

At the dance, there was a photobooth, with masks, and a DJ. They enjoyed the festivities from 8-10p.m.

Sophomore Abby Koch enjoyed attending the dance.

“My favorite part was dancing with all my friends, and making memories with the whole grade,” Koch said.

Although many girls brought dates, some like Kathryn Sands enjoyed “not having to worry about a date. “

“ I danced all night long with my friends and had the best time!” Sands said.

The sophomores loved their first formal dance, and Mary Hayes summed it up best when she said that she “can’t wait for the next SJA dance!”