It is always great to see people embarrassing themselves, of course in a fun eventful way! Our teachers put us on an amazing show with comedians, singers, dances and much more. I personally enjoyed the show and all who contributed to it. It’s not easy to go on a stage in front of a bunch of teenagers and be silly. The faculty show exemplifies just how much SJA balances fun with students’ educations. Sometimes we need a break as well as the teachers.
You would think that teachers are supposed to just teach and go on about life, but not here! Teachers are so much more than “just” teachers. The impact of a teacher on a student’s life can never be measured only felt. The faculty show not only displayed silliness but it showed how big of a heart our teachers have and how educating someone with your spirit and heart can have such a great set up for the students in those desks.
So teachers remember that you are making a difference in a child’s life everyday you wake up in the morning and every year we have that faculty show. Thank you guys so much for the wonderful show brought to us!