Dancing with the Dads
Seniors Catera Legrasso, Ellie Kerckhoff, Abigail Schoemehl, Emma Smith, Julia Rhodes, and Emma Woolcott taking advantage of one of the several photo booth opportunities.
January 15, 2023
The St. Joe Father Daughter Dance is one of the most highly anticipated events of the year. Angels had the day off on Friday, January 13, 2023 to prepare for the evening which started at 7:00pm and lasted until 11:00pm.
The night started with a delicious dinner. The tables were set with fine silverware, water, tea, bread, butter, and salad with two different types of dressing. The guests were led in prayer and then commenced eating. After they finished their salads, the main course was delivered. This included roasted carrots, mashed potatoes, and a chicken breast. To end the meal and satisfy the guests’ sweet tooth was a choice between chocolate cake and cheesecake with a strawberry drizzle.
For many, including sophomore Lydia Wiley, the feast was one of the things they most look forward to.
“The mashed potatoes come second only to spending time with my dad. They are so delicious,” Lydia said.
Following dinner were the speeches, speeches, and more speeches. First up, St. Joe student counsel moderator and teacher Colleen Smith-Yelton introduced the president of the fathers’ club, Mike Patterson. Mr. Patterson explained the importance of the organization and thanks those who have donated or contributed in any way tor helping them raise money for scholarships for girls who have lost a parent during their time at St. Joe.
Senior Jane Patterson is the daughter of the beloved president. She was beyond proud of her dad.
“He’s a great man who is doing even greater things. I can’t believe this is my last year living with him, but I am so grateful for that dance,” Jane said.
Next up were the STUCO speeches. Seniors Maeve Stuckey, Lucie McMillen, Annie Mortland, Emma Jaskiewicz, Kanella Katsikas, Erin Voit, and Natalie McAtee all gave incredible and tear-jerking presentations.

After speeches was the senior slideshow. This night was a big night for all girls but especially the seniors as it was their final father daughter dance. The seniors sat in the middle of the dance floor and watched a slideshow that showed a photo of every girl and her dad sent in by the family set to nostalgic music.
After the slideshow, the girls turned around to find their dads in three lines ready to perform what some may call the main event. The senior fathers performed a choreographed and rehearsed dance to a mashup of popular songs, with each line getting its turn to shine in the front. The seniors giggled at their dads as they cheered them on and film the grown men. Then came the slow dance with the dads and their daughters.
The rest of the night was filled with dancing, picture taking, photo booths and stations, more food, and a lot of fun. It’s safe to say that this is a cherished event at St. Joe, and the 2023 father daughter dance was a success.