A Great Grandparents Day
(Left)Grace Dolan ’20, Cardinal Dolan, Grace and Kathleen’s Grandma, and Kathleen Dolan ’23 (right) enjoying refreshments after mass.
June 26, 2019
One of the best St. Joe traditions is Grandparents Day: an opportunity to show off a special place to equally special people. On Friday, May 10th, the St. Joe community celebrated with a beautiful mass followed by students showing off their lockers and projects. The program included Advanced Chorus’ annual tribute to the branches of the military. “I thought it was so cute watching my grandma sing along to songs and she thought it was a good way to be patriotic,” says sophomore Rosie Johnson. “I have always loved Grandparent’s Day and I think my favorite part has always been just showing my grandparents around St. Joe and having them meet my friends!” Says junior Grace Dolan.
Cardinal Dolan, who flew in from New York to lead the grandparents mass, presided over the mass. He is the uncle of Grace ‘20 and Kathleen Dolan ‘22. “I think having Uncle Tim leading the mass just made it more special,” says Grace. It is clear that Cardinal Dolan was a great treat to have on a very special day. “I always see my uncle say mass but it was very cool to see him surrounded by people that I know and go to school with on a daily basis. I loved seeing how excited everyone was to see him,” says freshman Kathleen Dolan.
After mass, grandparents and students gathered in the commons for refreshments. Many even got to talk with the Cardinal himself. “My grandmother really wanted to shake the Cardinal’s hand, which I thought was so cute,” says sophomore Amelia Koch. Students could visit all their classes, lockers, and projects throughout the school. The school spirit shop was open to welcome happy customers to purchase SJA spirit wear. “During grandparents day I gave my grandma a tour around the school which she really enjoyed,” says sophomore Sarah Hughes. As the day concluded, many students went out to lunch to have a personal visit with their grandparents or special friend. Junior Mary Hayes sums up the day, exclaiming, “It was truly an amazing day to show off pur wonderful school to people we love. This year’s Grandparents Day was certainly one for the books!”