St. Joe’s Father-Daughter dance: a night full of laughter, love, and appreciation for our amazing fathers. The 2025 dance was beaming with joy, music, and smiles.
Angels started their evenings by getting dressed up for the long night ahead. Each and every dress was unique and beautiful as a resemblance to our beautiful SJA community. But not only did students look their best, their dads did too!
Ready for the perfect night ahead, many Angels spent time before the dance taking pictures with friends, having before parties, and more. Sophomores Sophie and Zoe Calais spent time before the dance with their sister Ashley, a senior.
“We went to meet up with a group before and then took a party bus to the dance with everyone! It was so much fun singing and dancing with everyone and their dads!” Zoe said.
Next, SJA was off to the St. Charles Convention Center. As a sophomore myself, I wasn’t able to attend the dance freshman year, so arriving at the venue, I was amazed at how much effort, time, and detail was put into making the room look outstanding for everyone! From the lights to the elaborate table settings, the atmosphere was more than perfect.
Freshman Kate Hughes also enjoyed the night.
“My favorite memory was either dancing with my dad or doing the spinning photo booth with my friends!” Kate said.
Kate wasn’t the only one who enjoyed these things, as hundreds of girls and their dads also took part in the collection of photo booth videos. Each person had laughter and smiles across their cheeks. The fun props, poses, and hats made each video so funny and one-of-a-kind. Many students hope the booths make another appearance next year!
At the night glistened on, everyone enjoyed their delicious food, drinks, and desserts together, including sophomore Maria Najarro.
“My favorite part of the meal was the chicken and, of course, my Shirley Temple,” Maria said. The chefs and others behind the dishes did an outstanding job with the food for the night.
Next, the seniors watched in awe of how much they had grown. On the screens throughout the venue, a video was played, including adorable pictures of the students and their dads. Seeing the unforgettable moments of childhood created so much love and appreciation for our own dads and father figures and how they have always been there for our highs and lows.
Finally, the dads got out on the dance floor, beginning with the senior dads. Their dance made the whole room fill with laughter and screams for their great and maybe even a little embarrassing dance moves. It is safe to say that the effort and love were there! They did an amazing job and got all of SJA excited to dance. Lower-classmen and their fathers joined in on the fun shortly after.
Sophomore Greta Seitz enjoyed spending time on the dance floor with her father.
“I loved dancing with my dad and loved seeing his moves once the music picked up even more,” Greta said. Fortunately, I also got to witness Greta and her dad, and he had the moves!
Looking around the room, it was amazing to see everyone come together to celebrate their special relationships. It’s very important to cherish our time with our friends and dads, so having the SJA Father-Daughter dance was a great way to embrace that love. The night was filled with unforgettable memories, fantastic music, food, and, most importantly, the people!